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The first thing which
must be understood, a student of
God's word isn't special.
We are all sinners and we deceive
ourselves if we say we are not.
Those that say they have not sinned,
has not His word nor the truth in them.
If we confess (repent) our sins,
He will forgive us
(1 John 1:8-10).
Our Heavenly Father isn't a
respecter of persons
(1 Peter 1:17).
He will judge everyone the same.
Everyone receives everything they
have coming to them.
Judgment can mean rewards,
rewards for our good works,
but also,
rewards for the wrongs we do,
but no-one is special
(Colossians 3:25).
What differentiates
the student of God's word from
other believers is the drive to find
"The Truth" in God's word.
At times, that means going to
the manuscripts,
be it,
the Hebrew manuscripts or Greek manuscripts,
whichever is closest to the original source.
Students of the Word will not just take
what men say,
without first checking them out.
Man is fallible and some men lie.
If any man should say,
"this comes from God's word,"
the student of God's word
(putting their trust only in
will look it up for themselves.
They must know the truth of the matter.
It's a drive,
a drive deep within their spirit.
There are many tools
students utilize in their studies;
three are basic to most all students.
First is a King James Version Bible,
most use
Companion Bible".
The Companion Bible is a King James
Version Reference Bible,
which has a companion column that runs
alongside the text.
Dr. Bullinger,
being one of the best scholars of our time
utilized the Massorah
Appendix 30)
in this work.
Using the Massorah
in this translation and putting the
companion column alongside the text
of Holy Writ is just what a
student of God's word is looking for.
KJV Bible is outlined so that the English
reading student may follow the subject
and object of the Greek,
and Chaldee languages.
Those students not familiar with the
languages of the original manuscripts,
the article;
of The Bible,"
may be very helpful.
In these modern times,
there are many Bibles to choose from.
If you're interested in how the
English translation of the Bible
came about,
please read the article;
History of The English Bible."
The second basic tool
students of God's word use most often is the
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.
The Strong's Concordance is married to the
King James Version Bible,
that is to say,
every word in the KJV Bible is listed in the
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
(it's also the best Concordance,
in our opinion).
The Strong's enables the English reader to
easily locate any verse in the KJV Bible,
as well as every definition of every Hebrew,
or Greek word in the KJV Bible.
For the novice who isn't familiar
with the Strong's Concordance,
this study is for you.
To Use The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of The Bible."
The third basic tool is a Bible Dictionary.
The Dictionary most students use is the
Smith's Bible Dictionary.
The Smith's is a great Dictionary,
especially for students who want
to know who is who?
That is to say,
in the Old Testament,
different people had the same name,
for example,
you have the book of Jeremiah,
there are also,
eight other people with the same name,
The Smith's Bible Dictionary defines
which is which,
and who is who,
Besides the definitions of the different
peoples and times they lived,
it has the geography,
and customs of the lands they lived in.
It has information on the prophets,
and doctrines,
with some nice illustrations.
Bible Dictionary by William Smith
is the Bible Dictionary most recommended
by students of God's word.
All students of God's word
have a hunger to study Holy Writ,
learning line-by-line,
rightly dividing God's Word.
Some have a little hunger,
some a deep hunger,
everyone having different appetites.
But all students understand there is an existing Satan,
who is called the serpent
(Genesis 3:1,
Revelation 12:9).
Who has power with devils and men
(Matthew 12:22,
1 Peter 5:8),
who has a people who will not hear God
(John 8:44-47),
some of whom deceive people as
"ministers of righteousness"
(2 Corinthians 11:13-15).
Students believe that
Jesus Christ has broken the power of Satan
(Hebrews 2:14)
and His Name makes devils impotent against Christians
(Luke 10:17).
Students believe that the Lord Jesus Christ
and His followers are at battle with
Satan and his followers
(Ephesians 6:11-19).
that Jesus Christ is the victor in this
(Isaiah 28:21-22, 45:17-25,
Ezekiel 38-39,
Hosea 13-14,
Joel 3:9-21,
Micah 7:16-20,
Zechariah 14:9,
Malachi 4,
Matthew 28:18,
Luke 19:27,
1 Corinthians 15:24-28,
Philippians 2:9-11,
2 Peter 3:7-13,
Revelation 11:18, 15:4, 19:11-15 and others).
Students believe that the resurrection
of the dead as prophesied
(Job 19:25-27,
Hosea 13:13-14,
John 5:29),
as proven (1 Peter 1:3),
as taught by Scripture
(Acts 24:14-15,
1 Corinthians 15:11-26)
and that the resurrected will reign with Christ
(2 Timothy 2:11-12)
(Revelation 22:1-5).
Students believe the
seventh trump sounds after that tribulation
(Matthew 24:29-31),
and that tribulation is the apostasy that
the man of lawlessness will sit in the temple
(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
Students believe they are to stand against
the man of lawlessness that will look like
the Lamb of God,
but his voice is that of the dragon,
for he is the great dragon,
that old serpent,
called the Devil and Satan
(Revelation 12:9).
Students believe it is the duty
of the elect to stand and witness in the congregation,
allowing the Holy Spirit to give His Message to the
world through them that are delivered up unto councils
(Mark 13:9-11).
This is the hope of every student of God's word,
to be delivered up allowing the Holy Spirit to
speak through them.
Students also believe,
they are to teach about the blasphemy and
lies of those of the congregation of Satan
(Revelation 2:9, 3:9),
who do not hear the Word of God
(John 8:47).
You can read more of what students believe,
in our
Statement of Belief.
Every student of God's word
knows that Satan arrives first.
Satan comes at the sixth trump;
Christ doesn't come
until the seventh trump.
This understanding is KEY
to every student of God's word.
Satan's spirit will pull you from the truth,
that is,
if you let him.
It is said;
that we should look for Satan's sphere of influence today,
not only in the Police Courts,
but also in the Pulpits;
not only in the Newspapers,
but also in Sermons;
not only on the stage,
but in our Universities also;
not just in the streets,
but also in the Professors' Chairs
at our Theological Colleges.
There are many students of
God's word around the world and many at different
levels of understanding and appetites;
some are novices,
others scholars.
But every student of God's word
started in the same place:
fear of the LORD
is the beginning of knowledge:
but fools despise wisdom and instruction",
Proverbs 1:7.
The following may be helpful in your understanding. . .
TRADITION IS OF MAN "Time was when Infidels carried on a platform campaign of lectures against the Word of God. In our day this has practically ceased. There is no further need for it; the work is more effectually done in the Pulpits by Theological Infidels, who have "turned away their ears from the truth and are turned unto myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4). Treating the Word of God as "unhistorical" and its records as "fables," they teach the myths of men instead of obeying the command to "PREACH THE WORD." If you don't find it in the Word of God, don't believe it, it's not Truth. We must empty ourselves of all Tradition. We must question all that we have thus received, and be prepared to unlearn what we have previously been taught by men if it does not recognize this great requirement of the Word of truth. If we think we know, it will be impossible for us to learn. If a vessel is full it is impossible for its contents to be increased. We must make room for this blessed Increase by continually replacing what we have learned from men with what we learn from the Lord. And even if what we have learned from man does agree with the Word, then we must be prepared to learn it over again, direct from the Word, so that the Truth may hold us, instead of our holding the Truth". II Peter 3:14-18A student of God's word can answer the question; "what doth the LORD require of thee?" (Micah 6:6-8). A student can answer the question; "what doth the LORD desire?" (Hosea 6:6). A student can answer the question; "what is the will of the LORD?" (2 Peter 3:9). A student can answer the question; "what is the LORD'S pleasure?" (Revelation 4:11). If you can't answer these questions then you should look up and read these passages. Keep them in mind should any man tell you that he knows what God wants. You will know the truth of the matter! All souls belong to God (Ezekiel 11:4), as students of His word and belonging to Him; we should reflect His character in ourselves. This character is described in the Old Testament by several Hebrew words that were key terms of faith in the Old Testament. The corresponding English words should become key terms for our understanding. Key Terms In The Old Testament Righteousness (tsadaq)Even today for the Christian, the term Christianity is not a religion but is a way of life. A lifestyle which always takes into account that there is an "all-wise," "all-powerful," "all-righteous" God who holds people accountable for their behavior. To live in loving fellowship with God is possible only for those who "fear" Him... Better said, for those who "Revere" Him. As there are many different Bibles, so there are many different denominations. Students of God's word are not dedicated to any specific denomination, but all students are Christians! Some students may even think that division is a bad thing. And some so-called Christians believe that their denomination is the only one going to heaven and that everyone, other than themselves, is going to hell. Not only do they not understand division is a good thing, they don't even understand what hell is. What does the Word say? In the gospel of Luke, chapter 12; "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:" verse 51. Read the last two verses of the Old Testament. From these verses we are to understand; there are "two fathers" and the children will turn "their hearts" to "their father". In the book of Revelation, the only two churches Jesus found no fault with (the church in Smyrna and Philadelphia), were teaching this. Division! That's what it's about, dividing. The sheep from the goats in Matthew 25:32, He separates the sheep to His right hand, and the goats to His left, verse 33. That's why one wants to stay to the right, don't go left. Jesus said; "Cast the net on the right side of the ship. . ." John 21:6. There is no profit in life from the left, but on the right side you will profit much in life, division! In Luke 3:17, we are taught, the wheat is separated from the chaff, the wheat to His garner, but the chaff will burn with an unquenchable fire. An unquenchable fire is an all-consuming fire, a student of God's word understands this; "For our, God is a consuming fire", Hebrews 12:29. A lot of information about the differences in the denominations is available today; like the wheat from the chaff, it's interesting to know what separates one from another. The names and titles can provide us with considerable insight into the people's faith, practices and bible teachings. Their theme of Christianity and priority of their religious traditions is what separates them. For more information about the different denominations and the traditions of the people in them, you can read the study: What's in a Name? Looking for the meaning of life, in the Word of God, there is so much truth one can learn. It's one reason why students of God's word study chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse, book-by-book, students don't want to miss a single truth. The more you study the more you learn, it's like, as it were, the Word is pregnant. Every time you study it, you learn more. Let me offer this to you; It's like our Heavenly Father is taking us (His children), from one eternity, into another eternity. And the only way His Children (the children He created in that first eternity or age) can enter into the next eternity, is to first, enter into the flesh. The flesh and blood of this earth age (or Eon), live, die and resurrect (through judgment), into that next eternity (that is to say, the next age or Eon). But it's about division, it's about the way His children lived their lives, while in the flesh. Then through His judgment, move into the eternity with Him, or be blotted out of existence forever and ever. A student of God's word understands what the word says, if you didn't, it may be time to pick up your Bible and open it up. Read what your Father wrote to you. . . but know this, you are a child of the living God, He loves you so much, that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. He wants you to be with Him in that eternity, forever and ever. You don't have to be as the chaff, but instead, be as the wheat being gathered unto Him. The answer to the question: What is a student of God's Word? Is knowing the plan because you've read it in God's word and you came out of confusion knowing the truth. I pray that this study has been helpful. Thank you for your time and may God bless. TheRain.org |
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