of  Belief
Companion Bible
Short Studies Ten Commandments
21 Different Bibles

    Welcome to The Rain web pages, we are students of God's word. We support the study of scripture, chapter upon chapter, verse upon verse, rightly dividing the word of Truth. We pray your visit is enjoyable and informative as well as beneficial in your search for answers. These web pages are designed for the novice as well as the mature student. Encouraging Bible teachers teaching Christ crucified and all the truth in Holy Writ and not the traditions of men. We intend to help the English reading student who seeks the meaning of life, which is found in the simplicity of God's beautiful word.

   In these web pages, students will find articles, reference notes, and short studies. For the convenience of the student on the go, The Rain has posted Professor Bullinger's Appendixes to The Companion Bible. We encourage every student to obtain a printed copy of The Companion Bible not only to have all of his scholarly work done in the Manuscripts, which is unsurpassed in Modern Times but also to support the work and keep it in print. With today's technology, many students have internet access. These web pages are designed so that the information may be accessed easily anywhere and at any time on many different platforms. Our intent is to be helpful to students all around the world, whether it's in your daily bible study, as you travel or just sowing seeds in the field, these web pages are for you.

   The Rain is not affiliated with any other website or organization. Those not familiar with The Rain web pages may enjoy reading the article that answers the question: "What is a Student of God's Word?" Being students we do not hide the proverbial candle under a basket! So, please enjoy yourself as you read through these web pages, it's important to remember, Father created all of us for His pleasure and loves all of His children, that's why He sent His Savior. With that being said, if you should find some wisdom in these web pages, know that it isn't from us because ALL wisdom comes from Father and it's from Him that all wisdom flows. We may plant the seed, but only He can make the seed grow. Having the ability to present these web pages to you, we praise The Heavenly Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Messiah.

©  Rain Inc.  Established  2000

The Rain
P.O. Box 381
Rawlins, WY 82301-0381

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